The ICP is a statutory committee jointly formed between NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and the two local authorities, Shropshire Council and Telford and Wrekin Council. The ICP is responsible for producing an integrated care strategy on how to meet the health and wellbeing needs of our population.
Our next ICP meeting - TBC
Our last ICP meeting
Date: Wednesday 30 October 2024
Time: 2pm
Location: Council Chamber, Third Floor, Southwater One, Telford, TF3 4JG
Members of the public may speak at the ICP meetings. The full rules governing this are outlined in the procedure rules, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Topics must be in the remit of the ICP.
Members of the public who wish to speak must notify the ICB Director of Corporate Affairs, in writing, no later than the 8th working day before any meeting to:
A maximum of three minutes is allocated to each speaker, which will be strictly adhered to.
A maximum of three speakers will be permitted at any one meeting.